Conference: North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization 2015

Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. See a listing of all papers in these proceedings here


Hilary Thorsen & M. Cristina Pattuelli. (2015). "Ontologies in the Time of Linked Data." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Julia Bullard. (2015). "Conflicts between Authenticity and User Retrieval in Classification Work." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Rebecca Green. (2015). "Indigenous Peoples in the U.S., Sovereign Nations, and the DDC." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Murtha Baca & Melissa Gill. (2015). "Encoding Multilingual Knowledge Systems in the Digital Age: The Getty Vocabularies." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Rick Szostak. (2015). "Classifying Authorial Perspective." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Lala Hajibayova & Elin Jacob. (2015). "Basic-level Concepts and the Assessment of Subject Relevance: Are They Really Relevant?." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Thomas Dousa. (2015). "Categories in Charles A. Cutter's Systems of Subject Cataloging and Bibliographical Classification." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Patrick Keilty. (2015). "As Foolproof as the Telephone: Automation and Gendered Labor." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Melodie Fox. (2015). "Epistemic Contrast in Medical and Legal Gender Classifications and their Influences on the Dewey Decimal Classification." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Yejun Wu & Li Yang. (2015). "Developing a Taxonomy of Semantic Relations in the Oil Spill Domain of Knowledge Discovery." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Laura Ridenour. (2015). "Concept Term Repurposing: Framing Shifts in Domains and Terminology." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.

Richard Smiraglia & Jihee Beak. (2015). "Producing Navigable Knowledge Organization with Knowledge Interaction." In Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Vol. 5. University of California, Los Angeles. Download a copy from here.