The ISKO C-US Chapter was established in 2009. We are governed by our local chapter bylaws approved at NASKO 2009 and our parent organization's bylaws for local chapters.

Current Officers

The current officers of ISKO C-US were elected at NASKO-9 2023 held virtually and sponsored by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville:

  • President: D. Grant Campbell, University of Western Ontario
  • Treasurer: Thomas Dousa, University of Chicago
  • Treasurer: Vanessa Schlais, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Program Officer: Carlin Soos, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Webmaster: Brian Dobreski, University of Tennessee

Past Officers

Student Sections

The first student section at the School of Library, Archival and Information Science at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada was established in 2011. The letter establishing the section can be found here.