NASKO 2025: Multi-Purpose KO: Risks, Challenges and Opportunities

The tenth North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO 2025) will be June 19-20, 2025, in Portland, Oregon, USA. Please read on for conference information.

Call for papers:

The call for papers can be found here.

Conference Program

The NASKO 2025 program will be announced soon.

Conference Location:

The Century Hotel, Portland, Oregon, USA.


Registration will open in 2025.

Important Dates

February 28, 2025: Submission deadline

March 21, 2025: Notification to authors

May 19, 2025: Final copy submission

June 19-20, 2025: Conference

Organizing Committee:

D. Grant Campbell, University of Western Ontario
Richard Smiraglia, Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure
Carlin Soos, University of California, Los Angeles
Vanessa Schlais, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Thomas Dousa, University of Chicago
Brian Dobreski, University of Tennessee

Program Committee:

Julia Bullard, The University of British Columbia
Grant Campbell, University of Western Ontario
Brian Dobreski, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Thomas Dousa, University of Chicago
Jane Greenberg, Drexel University
John Kausch, University of Western Ontario
Margaret Kipp, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Heather Moulaison-Sandy, University of Missouri
Laura Ridenour, University of Missouri
Ali Shiri, University of Alberta
Joseph Tennis, University of Washington